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The market has more than 10,000 units. What new markets have the AGVs of Jingyuan Electromechanical opened up?


The AGV field has been deeply cultivated for more than 18 years, and the number of independent AGV brand products in the market has exceeded 10,000 units. Jingyuan Electric is a veteran of the industry in computing, but in recent years, it has also stepped out of a stable market by virtue of "independence" and "new innovation". Way, there are new changes in both technology and market.

Multi-dimensional construction of core competition barriers

As we all know, Jingyuan Electromechanical has two core brands of mobile robots, "JYME" and "MAXAGV", and has formed four series including laser navigation, electromagnetic navigation, visual navigation, and tape navigation, with multiple specifications of 300KG-50T, forklift models, assembly Type, load-bearing type, traction type and other types of complete product system.

The MAX system originates from Sweden and has been in the field of AGVs for more than 30 years, with tens of thousands of laser AGVs used around the world. Although the MAX system is the world's leading AGV and warehouse management system, Jingyuan Electromechanical's optimization of competitive barriers does not stop there.

In January 2006, Jingyuan Electromechanical independently developed robot scheduling software, which can realize route planning, multi-machine task scheduling, dynamic control, and real-time monitoring. The system scheduling capacity can reach 130 AGVs, compatible with magnetic stripes, laser navigation, and QR codes. AGV scheduling for navigation.

In June 2015, Jingyuan independently developed the ARM controller, which can integrate a variety of navigation methods, and is suitable for single steering wheel, dual steering wheel, multi-wheel set and combination, single differential and double differential structure, aiming at the market function of AGV Requires feature development, with CAN communication, serial port 232, 485 and network port MODBUS TCP communication functions, integrates 40 DI and 32 DO input and output points while maintaining a small size, plus its software adaptability, can be Improve the efficiency of AGV application development and save project costs; the electromagnetic anti-interference design improves the stability of the on-board controller operation.

Jingyuan Electromechanical has been deeply engaged in AGV R&D and manufacturing for 18 years. It has good R&D capabilities and technical teams, stable product quality, and adheres to its unique and restrained core competitive advantages.

Multi-industry breakthrough - creating a series of benchmark cases

In terms of industrial applications, Jingyuan Electromechanical on the one hand consolidates the main advantages of the automobile industry and tire industry, and at the same time expands horizontally in different sub-sectors such as food, chemicals, and motorcycles, and continuously penetrates the market in multiple directions. The following is a case inventory of Jingyuan Electromechanical under sub-categories.

1. Automotive industry

Jingyuan Electromechanical is one of the enterprises with the largest number of AGV assemblies and the most technical applications in the domestic engine industry.

In recent years, advanced technologies such as visual positioning, data acquisition, and synchronous dynamic tracking have been used in the assembly of components such as engines, rear axles, and batteries in the domestic automobile industry, providing over 50 brand enterprises in the automobile manufacturing industry with combined AGV, laser AGV, traction AGV, carrying AGV and engine assembly AGV service.

Case 1: Xi'an Cummins heavy-duty engine AGV assembly line

In March 2021, the construction of the Xi'an Cummins relocation project officially started. The project covers an area of 136 mu and the total investment is as high as 1.02 billion yuan. As the AGV system solution provider for the engine assembly line of this project, Jingyuan Electromechanical provided 37 engine AGVs for Xi'an Cummins for the movement, transfer and positioning of the engine assembly line, realizing the first use of the AGV assembly line and realizing the automation of logistics. On April 22, 2022, the relocation and capacity expansion of Xi'an Cummins, the commissioning of the Shaanxi Heavy Truck Capacity Expansion Project and the first batch of complete vehicles off the assembly line were successfully held in Xi'an.

Case 2: Hongqi Omni-directional Factory

According to the user's requirements for the automatic storage and distribution of materials across the entire line, Jingyuan Electromechanical plans and provides overall logistics solutions, and independently develops and designs the AGV logistics scheduling system, which not only automatically connects with the production management system, but also dispatches 230 Jingyuan AGVs to achieve 60 Automatic storage and distribution of various materials. It can meet the multi-variety mixed production line compatible with A-level to C-level, from traditional fuel vehicles to new energy vehicles, and reserve space for capacity expansion.

Jingyuan Electromechanical AGV has all-round operation function, adopts dual drive mechanism, and uses dual traction pins to realize automatic matching of AGV with different length appliances. In addition, the AGV adopts a fully automatic charging method, which has the function of one-button switch on and off, and the overall control of all AGVs is carried out through the master control system, which is efficient and energy-saving. It is worth mentioning that it realizes the line-side material transportation of narrow channels and the empty-to-full rotation of various materials in the welding workshop, which greatly improves the operation efficiency.

Case 3: Combined assembly of high-end new energy passenger vehicles at the JAC NIO plant

Weilai has reached a cooperation with Jingyuan Electromechanical, and the introduced AGV is mainly used for the assembly of the front axle, rear axle, battery assembly and body. From May 27, 2018, when the first ES8 mass-produced car rolled off the assembly line, to April 7, 2021, NIO completed the leap from 1 to 100,000 high-end smart electric vehicles in only 1,046 days, and together with users and partners Created a new speed in the industry. The annual production of 100,000 high-end new energy passenger vehicles has successively introduced Jingyuan Electromechanical AGVs for use in the welding workshop and final assembly workshop. The two parties have worked together for many years to witness the smooth rollout of NIO's 100,000 mass-produced vehicles.

According to different production processes, Jingyuan Machinery's combined AGV has used a battery single-lift combined AGV and a front and rear axle manned three-lift combined AGV in the project. The combined AGV uses advanced technologies such as laser positioning, data acquisition, and synchronous dynamic tracking to realize dynamic assembly of the front and rear axle assemblies at any station in the assembly section, to meet the mixed production of various models, realize flexible production, and reduce production process It can save labor cost and improve production efficiency.

2. Tire industry

Jingyuan Electromechanical plans and implements a number of industry benchmarking project cases for tire factories, and provides laser forklift AGV and laser-carrying AGV services for many brand enterprises in the tire industry. factory.

Using laser AGV to convey materials, the system is stable and the quality is more reliable than other competitors. In the tire industry, there are the world's first demonstration case of Industry 4.0 and the first domestic case of all-steel tire factory logistics automation.

Case 1: Help Senturin (Thailand) tire factory to become the world's first tire industry 4.0 smart factory

The Sentirin plant in Thailand has an annual production capacity of 12 million high-performance semi-steel radial tires. This is the production line with the highest degree of automation, informatization and intelligence in the tire industry in the world. The entire production line employs only more than 470 people. As the first Industry 4.0 factory in the tire industry, the AGV intelligent logistics system of Senturin Tire Thailand factory was planned, designed and implemented by Jingyuan Electromechanical. Jingyuan provided automatic logistics systems for rubber mixing, calendering, parts, vulcanization, molding and other processes for the project, as well as automatic transportation, storage and management of molds in the vulcanization workshop. A total of 43 MAX AGVs were put into use, including forklifts, Different types of AGVs such as high-lift stacking type have more than 8,000 work stations and more than 20,000 storage points, and the maximum lifting height of AGV is 9.6 meters; in terms of software, it also covers intelligent software such as warehouse management system and MES, which replaces the 300 workers have greatly accelerated the unmanned process of the project and realized the "black light factory".

Zhou Zhengjun introduced that the project adopts the MAX scheduling management system to realize JT (Just in time) operation. The Sentirin factory in Thailand has become the production line with the highest degree of automation, informatization and intelligence in the tire industry in the world, creating the first semi-steel tire from dense A case of successful application of AGV from refining to forming logistics.

Case 2: Provided Hefei Wanli Group with the first domestic all-steel tire factory AGV intelligent logistics system

This project is the first case of realizing an all-steel tire factory in the domestic tire industry. Wanli Group needs to meet the 2 million production capacity demand of the entire system production equipment through the application of AGV, and consider the peak factor, ultimately reduce labor intensity, improve production efficiency, and realize the standardization, intelligence and informationization of production workshops. The project adopts 24 MAX AGV FX12 models, 4 FX15 models, and 4 CX30 models to meet the automatic distribution of materials for different production lines in the entire factory.

Case 3: Helping Guizhou Tire to build an industry-leading, 5G fully-connected green smart factory

In May 2021, the first 5G fully connected factory in Guizhou Province built by Guizhou Tire Co., Ltd. was officially completed. As a partner of Guizhou Tire, Jingyuan Electromechanical provided AGV intelligent logistics system and technical service support for it.

The 5G fully connected factory project is based on the innovative production line of the third-phase factory of Guizhou Tire, using 5G private network technology as the core to support a complete production line, improving the consistency of data transmission and analysis between systems, and low latency can make the system without Seams work together. Based on 5G technology, Jingyuan Electromechanical upgrades the production workshop to 5G intelligence, empowers the AGV handling robots in the workshop, and makes it quickly applicable to application scenarios in the 5G environment. The AGV dispatching system can combine 5G for cloud dispatching and seamlessly link data collection terminals to realize flexible automation and informatization of logistics.

In addition, Jingyuan also provides AGV intelligent logistics management system for Huayi Thailand factory and Xinjiang Kunlun, which can be said to cover domestic and foreign semi-steel and all-steel tire factories. Liu Xunfeng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Huayi Group, once said: "This is the beginning of the intelligent manufacturing of Shuangqian tires, and it is also the beginning of the overseas layout of Shuangqian Company and even the entire Huayi Group."

3. Others (food, chemical, motorcycle, etc.)

In 2019, Zhou Zhengjun, general manager of Jingyuan Electromechanical, told the new strategy reporter in an interview, "According to the survey, we found that AGV applications in the food and beverage and automotive industries are equivalent, so the domestic fast-moving consumer goods industry has huge room for growth. Therefore, We made a decision to transform in the middle of the year and turned a part of the market to the fast-moving consumer goods industry." Based on its optimism about the new industry, Jingyuan Electromechanical actively seeks industry transformation, enriches industry applications, and seeks faster breakthroughs. Today, Jingyuan Electromechanical has actively expanded its application fields and has received responses in the food, chemical, motorcycle and other industries. These new application fields are gradually expanding their sales share.

Jingyuan Electromechanical uses laser forklift AGV to realize food-grade application scenarios in the food industry. It can use European MAX system models, or use high-end brands in the market to transform, and its operation stability is at the forefront of the industry. Jingyuan Electromechanical serves a number of well-known domestic and foreign dairy companies, such as Nestle, Mengniu, Yili, Arla Foods amba (Denmark's Alafuz Dairy), Parmalat S.p.A. (Italy Parmalat Dairy), etc. In addition, it has also cooperated with France Paris Water, Carlsberg, Heinz, Kesko Oyj (Finland Kesko Retail Group) established a good cooperative relationship. In the project of a well-known dairy company in Europe, Jingyuan Electromechanical uses 2 FX05 MAX AGVs to automatically transport a feeder full of milk, replacing traditional manual carts, and AGVs realize automatic transportation and storage in the buffer zone of the cold storage; the United States A well-known food manufacturer needs to install two independent AGV systems and an intensive warehouse system in the production base in Elster, the Netherlands. The project uses FX15 counterweight AGV and FXC15 AGV, and uses the MAX system to effectively integrate AGV control and intensive warehouse. Warehousing management to complete the intelligent handling of materials.

In the chemical industry, Jingyuan Electromechanical multi-type laser AGV serves many well-known chemical brands in the world. It is understood that Jingyuan Electromechanical has successfully entered the chemical market, providing AGV intelligent solutions for BASF, the world's largest chemical company, Shell, the world's second largest oil company, and Invista, an American synthetic fiber/resin/intermediate R&D and production company. The solution fits the non-standard AGV style required for use, realizes intelligent logistics, transportation and handling in chemical plants, improves efficiency, and promotes standardized, intelligent and safe production.

In the motorcycle industry, Jingyuan Electromechanical has implemented AGV intelligent assembly lines and internal product logistics for multiple motorcycle brands. KTM, a world rally champion brand for 25 consecutive years, has realized the AGV project of motorcycle assembly line through the AGV of Jingyuan Electromechanical. This project is the first in China; in addition, Jingyuan Electromechanical has maintained good cooperation with Chunfeng Power in recent years. relation. Zhejiang Chunfeng Power Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in the research and development of all-terrain off-road vehicles (ATV, UTV, SSV), large-displacement motorcycles and supporting water-cooled engine products. Jingyuan Electromechanical has undertaken the whole assembly line of Chunfeng Kaitmore, as well as the general contracting task of Chunfeng Power's new two-wheel large-displacement production line for the complete vehicle assembly line. In order to realize the standardized management of the project, improve the production efficiency, and meet the annual production capacity of 60,000 two-wheeled large-displacement motorcycles, Jingyuan Electromechanical adopts 26 load-bearing assembled AGVs and 18 latent traction AGVs to realize the spring breeze power motorcycle. Vehicle assembly and SPS material distribution are fully automatic.

With the opening and expansion of new markets, the market share is increasing year by year. Jingyuan Electromechanical is not confined to its own comfort zone, but constantly integrates "vertical deep cultivation" and "cross-border innovation" to open up the pattern, broaden the horizon, and boldly embark on The road to "de-labeling".

Source: New Strategic Robot Omnimedia
Text: Ye Jiaqi